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Payment For Disqualified Surveys
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we will send you $5 for your time.

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Why Us
What is CPPA and how does it relate to me?The California Consumer Privacy (CCPA) came into effect on January 1, 2020. By acceptance to Enos Health community, you have voluntarily provided your contact information. We will not sell your information to any third party.
What is GDPR and how does it relate to me?Currently, membership with Enos Health is only open to health professionals in the United States. Therefore, GDPR requirements are not applicable.
What is the Sunshine Act (Open Payments) and how does it relate to me?In general, the Sunshine Act requires applicable manufacturers of drugs, devices, biologicals, or medical supplies to report annually to the Secretary of HHS certain payments or other transfers of value to physicians and teaching hospitals. Payments to healthcare professionals for participation in survey, opinion and marketing research are excluded from reporting because manufacturer-sponsors of research are blinded from the identities of participants in research. Enos Health will always blind your identity, as such, Sunshine (Open Payments) will not be reported. For additional information, please see
Are survey responses anonymous?Yes. Survey results are sent to our clients without personally identifiable information. The privacy of our members is protected and we do not sell personal information of our members to 3rd parties. If our client is interested in survey results and asks to talk to a member who provided these results, we will first ask for your permission and willingness to talk to a client.
Are my personal details held private?Yes, please note that survey data results are presented in an aggregated format and never individually. We keep all individual data anonymous.
What types of surveys do you offer?The majority of our studies are done online by sending you a survey link to your registered email address. However, some studies are also done over a phone call, and for such studies, we shall schedule an appointment either via email or a direct phone call, depending on your preferred mode of communication.
How often will I receive survey invites?On average, you may receive 2-6 surveys in a month (or even more) depending on your specialty and frequency of research projects.
What is the average survey length?Most surveys range from 15-30 minutes, but some could last for as little as 2 minutes, and some may even go beyond 60 minutes. Please note that we shall inform you about the duration of every study in your invitation. You can always choose to take surveys at a time that is convenient to you.
Is there an obligation to participate in every survey?Absolutely not. You are free to decline projects you do not want to attend. However, we are happy to receive your participation in as many studies as possible.
Who is Enos Health?Enos Health is a family owned and operated business of experienced healthcare market research experts. We strive to serve hard-working healthcare professionals by providing you a better platform, compensation structure, and customer service to voice and make a positive impact on the future of medicine.
Where is Enos Health located?Enos Health is currently located and operated from McCammon Idaho. Our mailing address is: 4523 S Marsh Creek Rd McCammon ID, 83250
How am I paid?We immediately issue payment at the end of each survey. We prefer to send payments via Paypal or Venmo (digital wallets) to provide you quick compensation. However, if you prefer a paper check, we mail/process weekly.
How much do I get paid?Payments for each survey engagement will vary depending on the survey time to complete, task type, and research budget. The payment offering will be disclosed in our invite.
Do all surveys pay an incentive?Yes, all of our surveys that are sponsored by clients will offer a fair compensation. All information about the incentives offered will be clearly stated in the survey invitation. From time to time, Enos Health may conduct its own quick surveys to understand your clinical expertise. These profiling polls may not always have an incentive tied to them. We encourage you to participate as they will help us provide more targeted survey opportunities that match your profile.
Do you require my tax information?If you earn $600 or more in compensation in a calendar year, you will be required to complete a W-9 form. The IRS requires us to report this income and issue you a 1099-MISC form for your tax return. For more information about this legal requirement, please refer to
Who do I contact for lost or delayed payment?If you reply to the original survey invite, we will respond within 24 hours. However, if you do not have the original invite or have a general payment question, you can always email us at
How do I join?Membership is by exclusive invite only. If you would like be considered for membership, please email us at with the following details. NPI Name Primary Medical Specialty Business Mailing Address
Why is membership by invite only?Enos Health maintains a very high standard for validation and acceptance into our community. Fraudulent attempts to join research panels are very common. The first and most important layer of security and validation is to control enrollment to "invite only" rather than via a public or open enrollment.
Why do you need my NPI number?Your individual NPI number is one of the ways Enos Health uses to maintain the authenticity of our community.
Is membership free?Yes, there are NO fees associated with our community. In fact, we pay you for your time and opinions! In addition, you will never we asked to purchase anything.
How do I refer a colleague?If you know someone who would like to participate in our studies, please have them email us at with the following details. NPI Name Primary Medical Specialty Business Mailing Address
Will you or any of the companies you work for try to sell me anything?No. Enos Health and its clients are only interested in your opinion regarding the healthcare products and services we ask you about.
How do I update my information?Please email us at
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